Reimagining our Cities: Considerations in Urban Planning

The majority of Canadians live in one of Canada's large urban centres and Canadian Downtowns are growing more rapidly than ever before.  In the rise of pressing urban policy issues like housing affordability, transportation, climate change and resilience, and social equity and inclusion, how do we imagine the future of our urban centres? Join us as we break down decolonial urban planning in Vancouver and major shifts in city planning over the years in Toronto with today’s two guests.


Ginger Gosnell-Myers is a member of the Nisga’a and Kwakwaka'wakw Nations and is currently an Institute fellow at the Environics Institute, and a Fellow at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. She was the City of Vancouver’s first Indigenous Relations Manager, where she was central to advancing Vancouver as the world’s first official City of Reconciliation and creating the City’s reconciliation framework for which she has won numerous awards.

Shirley Hoy is a Senior Advisor with StrategyCorp and former City Manager of the City of Toronto. Before becoming City Manager, she started her career in municipal public service in 1980 with the former Metro Toronto government, Department of Community Services, in the Policy and Planning division. Shirley worked in the Ontario Government as Assistant Deputy Minister in three ministries, and the Joint position of ADM of Operation and CEO of the Ontario Housing Corporation, in the Ministry of Housing.


Tasha Romeyn


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